I like it! As fun as the first one...
I like it! As fun as the first one...
Cool. I beat it.
This was much better than #1! I liked the monkey fight... =)
this is great... what happens if you choose, "the damned groceries" in the femenist the game?
needs work... im not trying to be a jerk of course :3
Well you could have been more descriptive, but of course it needs work. It should be longer, better graphics, have more levels, and have better animation. THis is kind of old though.
...but where are the giant tetris robots? you know, from the animation!
its the DAD GAME!
sweet. funny... when he gets the chainsaw he turns into jason XD
Repetitive- NOT "for everyone"
Its okay, but it has blood and you are shooting people. i'm not against that sort of game but it should b rated "T" by NG standards...
this... is... great! make moar! i love ther kinds of chooses-the-path games... You done a grate job!
nice little game
i like it... hehe has tom fulp voted on this?
nice, I guess. not very exciting. oh, and kim123456789... why would you do that?? You dont even know the guy lol
A high school student who Is more preoccupied with work than with making art. Grades almost matter to me!
New Mexico
Joined on 2/6/09